The board raised its forecast for Thailand's economic growth this year to a range of 3.5 to 4 percent from 2 to 3 percent.
He has raised his forecast for the growth of the American economy to nearly 3 percent, from about 2 percent.
His firm just raised its forecast for 1999 operating earnings gains to 10 percent, from 8 percent.
But the company did not deliver that and only slightly raised its forecast for the year.
The Reagan Administration today raised its forecast for the nation's 1988 economic growth to 3.5 percent, from 2.9 percent.
In May, it raised its forecast, to 5.2 percent.
It is already at 938.79, and she has raised her 12-month forecast to 950.
He has raised his forecast four times since then, to 15.6 million cars and trucks.
He raised his near-term forecast for the Nikkei by 1,000 points, to a range of 29,500 to 33,000.
Yesterday he raised his forecast for how high the Fed will have to push the federal funds rate.