"We raised $400,000 for him in 10 days for governor," Geisler said.
On 10 July, his Malta tally raised to five in just four days.
He was one of 18 players who filed and raised the total free agents to 36 in two days.
The £1.2m was raised in 12 days; half of this was used to rebuild the navy.
Despite torrential rain and strong winds the branch raised over £3,000 in only two days.
The deaths raised the toll in six days of street violence to 12.
The required amount was raised in eight days.
The campaign challenged supporters to raise $10 million in 10 days online, and succeeded.
According to Hannant the $8 million budget was raised in two days but of that $1 million went to brokers.
The station's fund drive in March 2011 raised over $1,000,000 in nine days.