Neither their families nor the public knew about the failed coup, but the officers' punishment served as a stark warning to others in the military.
The one-night jail terms usually become the punishment for the crime, because most defendants in such cases are sentenced to time served.
(That's not quite fair, as we just saw, since Binding thought punishment served the purpose of maintaining state authority.)
In the penultimate frame he faces capital punishment which the punters hope "serves as an example".
"And for those few who were corrupt, we would hope that the punishment serves as a strong message to the Iraqis."
You chose to fight me and therefore your punishment will serve as an example to any others who choose folly over wisdom.
Such punishment will serve no positive end.
It was difficult to prevent outbreaks of temper and only the strictest punishment could serve as a deterrent.
The punishment does not serve to reform the children, however it does give them time, and the mindset, to be reasoned with.
Certainly a punishment, and such a punishment that it will serve as an example for the future".