In supporting Soviet dissidents, Chukovskaya lost her own right to publish inside USSR.
Hoskyns was knighted in 1982 and published a memoir, "Just in time, inside the Thatcher revolution" in 2000.
In 1982 he published a memoir Inside the Treasury (Andre Deutsch).
Economic Education publishes two newsletters: Inside the Vault and Page One Economics.
The album was not released in Saudi Arabia because none of the local production companies agreed to publish it inside the country.
In 2009, he published the book "Inside Fallujah: the Unembedded Story".
In 1989 he published his book Inside IBM: A Personal Story.
At the beginning of the 2010 baseball season, he began publishing a weekly "Inside Baseball" column for Sports Illustrated.
He published some of the first images of nuclear workers toiling inside a reactor in 1977.
He also published a book, Inside Music.