The procedures for passengers who dishonestly evade the payment of Customs Duty/import VAT vary slightly from the provisions outlined earlier.
It was directly related to the provisions outlined in the County of London Plan drawn up the previous year.
The TNOFC is an interim, un-incorporated government based on provisions outlined in wampum 96 of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois League) Great Law of Peace.
Even if a court upholds the plan in theory, many provisions, outlined in 20 pages of Federal fine print, remain subject to conflicting interpretations, and it is unclear how strictly the provisions would be applied.
Many of the provisions outlined in these acts overlap with each.
The petitioners sought for the district court to overturn the key provisions outlined above.
The Act allows for the implementation of many provisions outlined in the Government white paper Strong and Prosperous Communities including changes to local government in England.
NCTC was founded in 1999 in accordance with provisions outlined in the 1999 Defense Appropriations Act.
Many of the provisions outlined in that bill were included in the Credit CARD Act, which Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed into law in June 2009.
In May 2010, Turkey and the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia also signed a military training agreement, in keeping with the provisions outlined in the Djibouti Peace Process.