Some lawyers argue that the 1994 provision has been leading companies to file for bankruptcy sooner than in the past.
He knows that provision would lead either to defeat of the bill in the Senate or to a Clinton veto.
That provision led to the Governor's veto on July 15.
The quaint provisions led me to expect I'd be working in something like a museum, or a British movie.
This provision led many conservatives to believe that the Act was inflationary in nature.
President Obama expressed his fear that the provision accepted by the court may lead to racial profiling.
All these provisions must not, however, lead to a fall in official development assistance.
In the 1850s, the provision of responsible government to the colonies led to increased responsibility and self-reliance.
These provisions have led some conservative critics to label the bill "cowboy socialism."
That provision led to an unexpected loss of $97.3 million.