Note that some provisions, including legal limits of contributions, have been modified by subsequent Acts.
The provisions of the 1998 Act have since been modified by the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003.
Many real estate and other projects have been put on hold until certain provisions of the new tax law are corrected or modified.
Unless these provisions are modified or eliminated, this is a bad piece of legislation, as leading Democrats contend.
It is possible that the early provision of the wheel, in Goiás, has been modified by the influence of quadrilha or cateretê.
However, its provisions can be interpreted, waived, or modified in their application to a particular case when strict adherence would cause confusion.
But provisions that led to the rejection of a similar contract last week were either deleted or modified.
Though, as we discuss below, this provision has been modified, the nationalistic sentiment was clearly registered by prospective buyers.
With today's compromise, he said, the most troubling provisions "have either been dropped or modified in a way to make them acceptable."
All provisions that do not comply with the new rules on access to documents will either be modified or repealed.