These latter provisions, although not heavily funded in the context of the overall bill, nonetheless involve tens of millions of dollars.
The provisions the Committee recommend for inclusion involve little more than a restatement of the existing common law position:
The one provision of the bill that would be mandatory statewide involves schools and day care centers.
The zoning provision at issue involves the "sky-exposure plane," an imaginary, inclined line that governs the height and shape of structures.
One especially contentious provision of the settlement proposal involves who is to receive the duties paid by Canadian exporters over the last 18 months.
Another important provision involves the amateur draft of 18-year-olds that occurs every year, expansion or not.
The distinction may best be illustrated by using the official jury instructions prepared for judges in criminal cases to explain the statutory provisions involved.
But the most disputed provisions of the Arias plan involve peace negotiations and the establishment of cease-fires.
The provision in the one-year contract involves indemnification.
The most disputed provision in the bill involves the agency's regulation of medical devices.