At the time, Feingold stated that provisions in the act infringed upon citizens' civil liberties.
The President said the provision would have infringed on his authority as Commander in Chief.
Since its adoption in 2001, the Patriot Act has drawn vigorous complaints from advocates for civil liberties, who contend that provisions like those allowing the government to obtain library and medical records infringe on basic civil rights.
A7 Iraqi Women Fear for Rights Some Iraqi women fear that certain provisions in the draft of their country's constitution could create religious courts that supersede civil law and infringe on women's rights.
Mr. Bush said the provision would have infringed on his constitutional powers to conduct foreign policy.
Opponents of tax exemptions, government financing or abortion restrictions would argue that such legal provisions infringed on their "free exercise" of religion.
The plaintiffs alleged that various provisions of the AWCA infringed upon their constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms as individuals.
But these two provisions do not infringe on adults' speech in all situations.
The Court agreed that the provision infringed the guarantee of freedom of expression, but that the prohibition on hate speech was a justifiable limitation under section 1 of the Charter.
Legal commentators claim that these provisions infringe citizens' rights.