Many new criminal provisions merely expanded the discretion of judges to choose from among various punishments, including imprisonment.
A key provision of the House bill would expand the ability of victims of discrimination to recover damages in lawsuits.
Beyond the cases-and-controversies issue, some judges have ruled that the citizen-suit provisions improperly expand the role of the courts.
Since 1965, the provisions of Medicare have expanded to include benefits for speech, physical, and chiropractic therapy in 1972 (, 2012).
Alongside it, private provision of pensions, health care, education and housing has also expanded.
Such provisions could greatly expand official killing to no good purpose.
During this time, secondary provision expanded and adjusted to growing demand.
The provision of specialist money advice expanded significantly in the 1980s.
In particular, national legal provisions on money laundering should expand the list of activities that constitute criminal offences.
One provision would expand eligibility for Roth IRA investment accounts to anyone, regardless of income.