Senators explained that they had nothing against Canada, but instead were protesting the Administration's failure to consult adequately over trade policy.
The protesters, mostly Muslim fundamentalists, gathered to protest the city's failure to make repairs.
Demonstrations organized by trade unions to protest the state's failure to pay wages for many months to civil servants have stopped in recent days.
They also protested the program's failure to provide the protection many older Americans seek: insurance for the costs of long-term nursing home care.
Palestinian officials said they were protesting Israel's failure to release four women accused of committing murder.
Politicians, labor leaders, and their followers flocked to the streets in May 1956 to protest Magloire's failure to step down.
He protested the federal government's failure to fulfill the terms of confederation on which the island had joined the dominion in 1873.
The city has recently had to fend off rioting soldiers who were protesting the government's failure to pay them.
It furthermore protests other states' failure to uphold their obligations under the Constitution.
More than 18,000 teachers are protesting the Legislature's failure to pass an education bill that would have included pay raises.