The park authorities have also hired15 local people as security guard to protect the tourist jeeps inside the park.
Some frogs protect their offspring inside their own bodies.
"I've got the shuttlepod standing by," Trip said, "and Mayweather here all protected inside his suit."
Nonprescription medications, such as Orabase, can protect a sore inside the lip and on the gums.
Over time the pagan bust became a symbol of the city, and paradoxically found itself protected inside a church.
Something was worth protecting inside the warehouse, but she didn't dare speculate until things were under control.
There, the Legislative Council had been retained and was seen as a means to protect the interests of religious and linguistic minorities inside the province.
France abandoned the refugees it was supposed to be protecting inside Rwanda, resulting in the death of several thousand people.
Protect the people inside the Kingdom and their rights.
Visitors put on white coveralls to protect their clothes inside the mine.