A determination must then be made by agency executives whether the potential intelligence gains from a prospective agent outweigh the misconduct.
The company has given a guarantee of up to £693,000 (1990 nil) in respect of a bank advance to a prospective overseas agent.
If prospective agents pass an entrance exam and pay an initiation fee, they receive certification by the union.
She sent the book to several prospective agents, many of which responded with questions similar to "Nice voice - but what line are you writing for?"
The weekly meetings offer training and opportunity sessions for established and prospective agents alike.
Krause may have also underestimated the value of his team's winning before prospective free agents thought seriously about coming to Chicago.
Finding this out will therefore require asking the prospective agents for the names of one or two other agents as references.
Competing proposals from prospective agents, by contrast, are normally offered free and, combined with careful questioning, could produce similar results.
Her voice began to remind him of the prospective agents he heard over the telephone.
It was time for the younger man, the prospective free agent, to grow into his game.