In 2009, a proposal surfaced to build a downtown stadium to bring baseball back to Birmingham.
In the mid-2000s, proposals for a new facility surfaced.
Although new proposals surfaced from time to time after the 1980s, the dam was never built for a variety of reasons.
In 2006, a proposal surfaced to close the level crossing near the site of the old station.
Now the old danger of a stock market collapse has reappeared, and proposals for dealing with the market directly are surfacing.
By 1897, a proposal had surfaced to place a soldiers' and sailors' monument somewhere on the plaza.
In 2004, a proposal surfaced to link the manganese mines by rail with the seaports of Ghana.
A proposal for a new mine in this valley surfaced last year, but was canceled in the face of opposition.
Since then new proposals have surfaced, all reflecting the gowing concern over the prospect of repeated stock market plunges.
In 2008, proposals surfaced for a new cement works.