The height event proceeds in a manner similar to the high jump and pole vault, with throwers required to clear a bar progressively raised.
A turbopump can comprise one of two types of pumps: centrifugal pump, where the pumping is done by throwing fluid outward at high speed; or axial flow pump, where alternating rotating and static blades progressively raise the pressure of a fluid.
This progressively raises the reaction torque at that roadwheel, and the differential compensates by transmitting more torque through the other roadwheel-the one with better traction.
The auctioneer progressively either raises or drops the current proposed price depending on the bids of both buyers and sellers, the auction concluding when supply and demand exactly balance.
We have been through the P.S.A.T.'s, the S.A.T. prep course, and the S.A.T.'s themselves, which my daughter took twice in hopes of progressively raising her score.
It requires ratifying states to pursue a national policy designed to ensure the effective abolition of child labour and to raise progressively the minimum age for admission to employment or work.
Congress has the power of the purse and should use it to repeal the Bush tax cuts and progressively raise taxes.
In Spain, think tanks are progressively raising their public profile.
This is why it seems to me necessary to progressively raise the ceiling for IOPCF compensation, and that we need an additional fund amongst the European States, provided that it is not used as a pretext to postpone the necessary adaptation of the IOPCF.