Japan unilaterally proclaimed sovereignty over the whole island in 1845 .
The union is disintegrating into republics, autonomous regions, provinces, insurgent city councils and even neighborhoods proclaiming sovereignty.
Sir Harry Smith proclaimed British sovereignty over the Transorange on 3 February 1848.
Quick to proclaim "sovereignty" and independence, the republics have been far slower to negotiate a common market and to begin long-promised reforms.
Their findings demonstrate three strategies for dissociation from the hipster stereotype: aesthetic discrimination, symbolic demarcation, and proclaiming sovereignty.
Japan, concerned about Russian expansion in northeast Asia, unilaterally proclaimed sovereignty over the whole island in 1845.
Spain proclaimed sovereignty in the 16th century.
Japan unilaterally proclaimed sovereignty over the whole island in 1845, but its claims were ignored by the Russian Empire.
All three, however, have proclaimed sovereignty over their resources and politics.
In April 1832, Britain proclaimed sovereignty over the Falkland Isles.