At the same time, it was to proclaim independence from Spain, and write the first constitution of the young state.
Former Soviet republics proclaimed their independence and right to self-determination.
Denktas would proclaim full independence of the area on November 12, 1983.
Estonia was part of the Russian empire until 1918 when it proclaimed its independence.
Lithuania proclaimed its independence in 1918, and at that time the building became the property of the Lithuanian government.
However, by mid-1994 all seats were filled except those of Chechnya, which continued to proclaim its independence.
This however caused a revolt in Valencia, which proclaimed its independence.
Upper Volta's organizers had their chance when the country proclaimed its independence in 1960.
Lithuania proclaimed its independence last year, but only in recent days has it become evident that the proclamation is about to be made real.
During the occupation the Wongs became merchants, a business they continued after the country proclaimed its independence in 1945.