Overall skiers' costs have priced the sport beyond the reach of the average, middle-class individual.
Personal questions about the Outsiders have been priced beyond the ability of any individual or government to pay (on the order of a trillion credits).
In Dopyera's opinion, the cost of manufacture had priced the resonator guitar beyond the reach of many players.
Fresh fruit and vegetables, now arriving with greater frequency in the markets, are priced beyond the reach of most families.
Some countries have already priced climate records beyond the reach of the lone scientist.
As it is, much of the housing will be priced at levels beyond those that many of the area's current residents could afford.
Less fragile low-cost housing - the kind your grandparents may have lived in - has long been priced beyond the reach of low-income people.
At the time, as it is today, the general aviation market was priced beyond the means of the average consumer.
And those apartments that are available are priced way, way beyond the means of anyone on a low, fixed income.
Andy, Dag and Claire have been handed a society priced beyond their means.