They were not at their best against Swindon, but prevailed through perseverance.
It is heartening to see that March has stuck to its guns and prevailed through tough times.
If the higher interest rates prevail through December, they will drive up public debt by $20 billion.
If right principles prevailed through the empire, there would be no use for me to change its state.
Universal silence prevailed through the Crowd, and every heart was filled with reverence for religion.
Wages were up at an annual rate of 3.3 percent, roughly the level that prevailed through 1996.
Its design reflects the architectural influences that prevailed from the middle of the century through American independence.
That ingredient seems to be the ability to prevail against steep odds through determination.
However, to ensure this happens, we need moderation because democracy cannot prevail through violence.
That more rounded sound prevailed through the rest of the concert.