The new plan includes a universal preparation period at the beginning of each school day.
The teacher's work day is 7.5 hours including a 30 minute duty free lunch and a preparation period.
The teacher's work day is 7 hours 20 minutes including a 30 minute paid lunch break and a daily preparation period.
The contract also gives teachers one preparation period a day.
The teacher's work a 7.5 hour day with a paid, duty free lunch and a preparation period included.
Teachers work 185 days with 7 hours 40 minutes per day including a duty free lunch and a daily preparation period.
The teacher's work day is 7.5 hours with a duty free lunch and daily preparation period.
By contract, each teacher gets a 45-minute preparation period a day.
I go through a certain preparation period for the game.
The teachers work a seven hour day with a preparation period and 30 minute duty free lunch.