Brain injury can occur during prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal periods.
To listen to some preclears one would think they read Keats' and drank lemonade every afternoon at four throughout the prenatal period.
Some research shows that children have emotional and behavioral issues when their dads are depressed during the prenatal and postpartum periods, he says.
Several environment agents-teratogens-can cause damage during the prenatal period.
Teratogens are substances that can cause malformations to organs and tissues while they are forming during the prenatal period.
Depending on how many children the mother carries also determines the amount of care needed during prenatal and post-natal periods.
They are required during the prenatal period for the formation of synapses and cell membranes.
If a female is exposed to excess androgen during the prenatal period, the sexual dimorphism does not occur in Onuf's nucleus.
Researchers say these findings suggest that food allergies may have their origins in the prenatal period in the womb.
The shamans learn to be shamans, while táltos get their power during prenatal period: they "know" everything once born.