This was a significant departure from Walker's academic work in which he is a pre-eminent authority on Australia's engagement with Asia.
The FGI mission is to be the pre-eminent authority on the business of fashion and design and to help its members become more effective in their careers.
Hawgood was the pre-eminent British authority in the field.
Among US collectors of the early 1900s, Berenson was regarded as the pre-eminent authority on Renaissance art.
An ordained minister, he was considered the pre-eminent Dutch Calvinist authority on late-medieval theology.
Galen & Hippocrates were pre-eminent authorities.
He was well known as the pre-eminent authority on Babe Ruth, who was his teammate for almost 10 years.
Through his research, Dr. Scott became a pre-eminent authority on sickle cell, a hereditary blood disorder, and lobbied for a national research and treatment effort.
As Jewry's pre-eminent legal authority and philosopher, he was humane and tough-minded, a comfort to Jews and a chastiser of heresy.
Rather, he said, the association is a "pre-eminent medical authority."