Six pounds melted from her already skinny frame.
Carmen Reyes, Ernie's wife, was dismayed to realize that the 14 pounds of chocolate chip cookies she sent her son had probably melted in the Saudi heat.
Combined with our strength workout, you'll see pounds melt away!
Without her even trying, fifteen pounds had simply melted away.
When asked, scientists agree that the type of moderate exercise advocated for health almost never changes the look of a person's body, nor does it make pounds melt away.
In recent history, rumors have circulated that if a person were to intentionally swallow a tapeworm the excess pounds would simply melt away.
The pounds melted away, and in the process he gained a whole new life.
You slash your daily calories to fewer than 1,000 - and sure enough, the pounds melt away.
He had no strength, no stamina, and the pounds were melting from his frame like butter.