He has published over twenty books, and hundreds of articles and reviews, and continues to be active in the post-Soviet period.
In view of the tremendous economic difficulties that accompanied the post-Soviet period, the years before perestroika looked reasonably good to most citizens.
Critical elements such as privatization of state enterprises and extensive foreign investment were rushed into place in the first few years of the post-Soviet period.
The 2004 Rose Revolution also delayed Georgia's recovery from the difficult post-Soviet period.
In the post-Soviet period he emigrated to the United States.
In the post-Soviet period this folk tradition in some countries has been recreated as an official holiday.
In the post-Soviet period Izhevsk became known as home to a vibrant art and music scene.
Part V, dealing with the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, is of particular interest.
This was perhaps the high point of parliamentary influence during the whole post-Soviet period.
A lack of tools and materials is present, even though the number of jewellery workshops during the post-Soviet period has increased almost tenfold.