Finally, large-scale criminal activity in the immediate post-communist period is high-lighted, presented through formerly taboo sub-topics of violence, vulgar language and drugs.
In the post-communist period (after 1991), the reopening of schools was one of the major objectives of the minority.
However, even the freight traffic faded away during the post-Communist period.
The situation is expected to normalise as the 15-year window starts to slide over the post-Communist period.
During the 20th century, the history of Romanian philosophy can be divided in three periods: the pre-communist period, the communist period, and the post-communist period.
Younger believers who grew up in the post-communist period also have more freedom to practice their religion and more access to religious education.
It ends with the beginnings of the post-Communist period.
The annual number of decrees exceeded 1,000 throughout the post-communist period.
Despite the return of religion in the post-Communist period, many Russians have only a vague idea of what Christmas is.
The events that shaped Polish culture at the onset of the post-communist period, began already as far back as 1976.