By 2007 the population had established throughout the greater Auckland area and was still spreading.
When climate warmed into the present interglacial, populations would have rapidly spread north along the west European coast.
The population comprises some 20-30,000 birds and is gradually spreading in the south-east of its range.
The existing Bulgarian population quickly spread throughout the region from the late 18th to the second quarter of the 19th century.
"You're telling me that whatever killed the population of Hydrilla has spread?"
The Alpine population has increased and spread into neighbouring regions.
Given their good health, the human population may be growing fairly quickly and spreading throughout the Choraii ships.
Also surprising was the fact that the Hispanic population had spread throughout the state and was no longer concentrated in the south.
As a population spreads across a contiguous area it may spread into an abruptly different environment.
Wunderland's population expanded and spread thinly across the major continent, so that cities were long in developing.