Relative age dating of the Pottsville places it in the early to middle Pennsylvanian period.
Relative age dating of the Hamilton places it in the middle and lower Devonian period.
Relative age dating of the Kope places it in the Late Ordovician period.
Relative age dating of the Tuscarora places it in the Silurian period.
This places the sura in the early Meccan period - around 612-617 AD.
Strontium is the second element placed in the 5th period.
Relative age dating of the Bald Eagle places it in the Ordovician period.
The date of the play's authorship is uncertain, and is generally placed in the 1625-32 period by scholars.
Relative age dating of the Clinton Group places it in the Lower Silurian period.
Some critics place her in the period before the Renaissance.