And a great divide between the alphabet, on the one hand, and pictographic and ideographic writing, on the other.
At least one researcher has suggested that the heads and other features formed by the scrolls are a Classic Veracruz form of pictographic writing.
They had, it is said, a complex pictographic or ideographic writing or carving of their own.
We are in the land of pictographic writing here; the young Americans, to learn to write, draw pictures.
On the sculptured stones in the Copan valley there are characters which seem to resemble very ancient writing, but this pictographic writing is largely untranslatable.
In pictographic writing, a drawing represents exactly what it means.
In these articles Evans distinguished between "pictographic writing" and "a linear system of writing."
These figures have not been fully analyzed to determine whether they are pictographic writing.
Innis points out that the tablets were not well suited to pictographic writing because making straight lines "tended to pull up the clay."
This was gradually augmented with pictographic writing using a sharp stylus to indicate what was being counted.