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In pictographic writing, a drawing represents exactly what it means.
We are in the land of pictographic writing here; the young Americans, to learn to write, draw pictures.
"So are you saying the Archies have a pictographic language?"
Finally, pictographic events (2010) works with a large pool of signs and body images.
He could read the pictographic lines of algae across the ice's surface.
These figures have not been fully analyzed to determine whether they are pictographic writing.
Another picture is a kind of a pictographic map.
Both bear carved images of a hunter and a pictographic figure.
But these approaches have yet to result in any pictographic notations.
You can carry a pictographic design in your head and make a little design.
Other pictographic systems have been less successful, as described here: List of writing systems.
There has also been the occasional use of pictographic proto-writing, such as in the example at right.
Thus, iConji is a pictographic communication system, not a spoken language.
This is why road signs and similar pictographic material are often applied as global standards expected to be understood by nearly all.
Even the Nubian pictographic language has yet to be deciphered.
His poems, which have mostly been written in pictographic script of Vietnamese, show deep feeling.
Of course, pictographic symbols can never be truly universal.
Of all the recently invented pictographic systems, Blissymbolics is the most successful to date.
Many bear pictographic inscriptions generally thought to be a form of writing or script.
They still retain a few ancient religious texts written in their unique pictographic script.
Now only 1% of Chinese characters are pictographic.
About 1946, her use of linear pictographic shapes gave way to a more organic approach to both content and technique.
These pictographic characters make up only a small fraction of modern characters.
"Some of the pictographic signs were frequently repeated, particularly ones that looked like an insect or a lizard."
A group of small, Klee-like black-and-white drawings from the 1930's present the pictographic mode in full play.