More needs to be done, including a restructuring of the earned income tax credit with a longer phase-out period.
In September 2005, the government decided to partially overturn the previous decision, extending the phase-out period for another 20 years, with possible further extensions.
It also stretches the phase-out period for the program to six months from four.
Any minerals found during the phase-out period could be extracted until they were exhausted.
Vehicles manufactured by that manufacturer are not eligible for a credit if acquired after the phase-out period.
As part of the agreement, he will be barred from the American securities industry after an 18-month phase-out period.
The Council then rejected it, albeit with a two-year phase-out period.
With the phase-out period that we have now decided on, these countries will receive support to explore other production options.
Gleason said the figure is net of operating losses of $667,000 during the phase-out period.
Vehicles purchased after the last day of the fourth calendar quarter of the phase-out period are not eligible for a credit.