The decision was taken to continue the Academy's work until the five-year period, originally specified by Bennett, had been completed.
Your authorisation will be valid for the period specified in the licence.
Today's bill would suspend the strike for much less time than the 60-day cooling-off period specified in the transportation labor law.
Since the period specified by Williams is of "a dissolving economy," updating would be redundant.
The safety board wants longer periods specified for rest.
The terms announced today allow six days for the withdrawal, three more than the period specified by Mr. Nujoma.
Where a registered foreign lawyer has not, at any time during the period specified in the application for renewal of his or her registration, either:
During the treatment, it is particularly important to note the starting time and to treat the hair for the exact period specified in the instructions.
The 13-week period specified in your notice ended before the relevant date.
Today marks the end of the seven-day period of mourning specified by Jewish religious tradition.