The downturn is now the most severe since early 1994, when the Dow fell 9.6 percent during a period of rising interest rates.
Within months of taking over, he initiated an effort to cut costs and improve profitability during a period of falling interest rates.
Perhaps you think it used the period of low interest rates to accumulate extra debt?
We've been in a period of historically low interest rates.
A growing number of market analysts say investors could be in store for a sustained period of historically low long-term interest rates.
"But there is plenty of room for growth - especially if we come to another period of rising interest rates."
But the funds proved well suited for the period of stable and declining interest rates that have prevailed since 1988.
The company's most profitable products, the leveraged bond funds, have not been tested by a period of rising interest rates.
Leasing may make a lot more sense in a period of high interest rates.
Because trusts are fully invested, they benefit more during periods of level or declining interest rates.