Dressed in period garb, she takes her audience through an enthusiastic recounting of the instrument's birth.
They call the guides here interpreters and they are dressed in period garb.
Sprinkled between civic landmarks are shops where you can chat with tradesmen in period garb.
Interpreters dressed in period garb have been part of the village since it opened in 1970.
Judy looked back down the beaten path to the fake, historical hamlet populated by actors in period garb.
The following year he had actors in period garb read Joyce at various places along the 6.2-mile course through the center of town.
A Colonial theme park with actors in period garb.
The others all wear classic once-upon-a-time period garb.
Data, also dressed in period garb, arrives, having overheard Picard's invitation.
Meanwhile, most promotional images featured the film as a "sort of chick flick in period garb."