The new owner changed the name to Restaurant Florent but left the period decor largely intact.
The rooms are all in period décor; two have ocean views.
Old Victorian house with period decor and its own grapevine.
Each room has an individual style with antique furnishings and unique period décor.
The period decor is homage to the Surrealist photographer of the 1930's; the food is down to earth, though.
Salons in period decor were used to sell the higher-price items.
The hand mikes may possibly be justified as part of the period decor.
Its 52 rooms and suites have period décor.
The changing period decor is almost as dramatic as anything that happens to Carlo and the members of the family.
As it turns out, this task falls to the mother who quickly succumbs to the allure of the ornate house and its period decor.