The Historic Area's restaurants are known more for period atmosphere than their food.
The period atmosphere is rich, the case studies enormously entertaining, especially the one involving a missing canary.
In between runs a mile-long stretch of late 19th-century apartment houses that exude period atmosphere.
Inside, period atmosphere is provided by a music from a grand piano.
To say he has swept away all period atmosphere is not accurate.
Alexander, who died in 2003, was a stickler for historical authenticity, but his richly detailed fiction has more than period atmosphere going for it.
- the pilot nicely replicates the movie's lurid (and tragically expensive to produce) period atmosphere.
One savours its period atmosphere, its studied and deliberate melodrama.
Inside, brown leather banquettes, smoke-stained walls and giant mirrors add to the period atmosphere.
The period atmosphere of the film demanded that several indoor scenes be filmed by candlelight.