A call came from Moscow for performing ensembles from Ukraine to perform at the Decade of Ukrainian Culture in Moscow.
Students can participate in the arts either in classes for academic credit, performing ensembles, or extracurricular organizations.
Though this technically can be fulfilled with an Independent Study Project, most if not all students opt to participate in performing ensembles or take classes during the academic day to complete their requirement.
These are performing ensembles.
In 1873 he was excluded from further assignment as an instructor, allegedly because he had neglected his teaching duties, preferring instead to appear with performing ensembles at balls.
She became active in the jazz scene after college, performing and fronting small ensembles.
Mr. Kermani, for one, sees his label as being essential to the dissemination of new music, given the pressures on performing ensembles not to overload audiences with contemporary music.
The concert bands are performing ensembles consisting of several members of the woodwind instrument family, brass instrument family, and percussion instrument family.
(According to usually reliable sources, the ensemble "will perform popular arias and ensembles and encourage the audience to sing choruses from some of the composer's well-known works.")
Faculty at the school have organized performing ensembles that have made notable recordings of early music.