Normally she and Christine would be part of the ballet ensemble led by Madame Giry.
After all, the National began life 35 years ago with a smallish ensemble led by Laurence Olivier.
This ensemble, led by Alexander Blachly, has become the standard by which early music vocal groups are measured.
Massine's device was to have each movement with a large ensemble led by symbolic figures.
Expert instruction is offered on a variety of instruments as well as through group classes and performing ensembles led by highly trained and experienced faculty.
Across the courtyard is another ensemble, led by a fierce-looking bearded ranad-ek player dressed in black.
But the male ensemble, led by Tom Gold, had much more brio.
He joined the ensemble led by Red Balaban in 1969, and became its co-leader in 1975.
Three ensembles led by the Boston Camerata will play.
And also Samooha is the cultural ensemble led by Acharya along with other interested amateur artists.