Of those raped, 54 percent did not tell anyone about the incident.
More than 40 percent of the students told researchers they were 'not at all' influenced by drug educators or programs.
Ninety percent of our young people told us they heard those often or frequently.
"Fifty percent of them told me I was crazy for doing it."
A less than 20 percent, third-place finish in one party's race tells only half the story.
I always find in my college classes that 10 to 20 percent of the kids can't tell you how long a senator's term is.
More than 41 percent of people who suffered sexual abuse as children never tell anyone about the experience.
Only 4 percent told researchers they used needles from exchange programs exclusively.
In a 1988 study, 69 percent told researchers that they avoid "certain people."
Ninety percent of the people here will tell you the same thing.