As a result, Intel made a 4.9 percent investment in the company.
Since the equity accrued is mine, it seems to me that I now have more than a 20 percent investment in the house.
He has moved to a 50 percent investment in equities, below his normal or neutral level, from 65 percent.
"This is not a 1 or 2 percent investment," Mr. Eyler said.
Another incentive would provide a new 15 percent investment tax allowance, a replacement for the investment tax credit that was most recently dropped in 1986.
But the Ariane rocket program is dominated by France, which has a 59 percent investment in it.
Mr. Rollwagen was forced to spin off the Cray 3 project, keeping a 10 percent investment in the new company.
Large advertisers and companies are initially limited to making a 10 percent investment.
"It wouldn't surprise me if Icahn's next step is to spend money to protect his 15 percent investment," the takeover lawyer argued.
"Our 9 percent investment is going to 90 percent."