Fidelity Investments, for example, has lowered the management fees on hundreds of its funds.
Fidelity Investments, too, said that it no longer owned the shares.
But that's what Fidelity Investments is doing - sort of.
Fidelity Investments, the mutual fund giant, reported that more money went into funds across the company than left them.
Fidelity Investments ran the numbers on an employee in the 35 percent tax bracket who had $9,000 to save before taxes.
Fidelity Investments already offers 24-hour service, seven days a week to customers.
Fidelity Investments, the largest fund company in the country, plans to find out.
Fidelity Investments is one of the largest mutual fund groups in the world.
Fidelity Investments has cut its initial charges on five bond funds from 5.25% to 3.5%.
Fidelity Investments, the country's largest fund company, is one example.