That is probably the result of my conditioning and may not be a problem with younger people raised on the Net.
He advised Jews not to talk "from the position of a people raised above all others."
But largely our membership consists of people raised in the radical tradition.
He has also said, "I've personally seen three people raised from the dead, including my own son.
They had virtually identical genotypes, and you can't imagine two people being raised in a more similar environment.
In no other state is the proportion of people born and raised within its borders so high.
In the east, they found young people raised in an authoritarian culture suddenly free to express their rebellion.
Fans couldn't get enough: it was as if people raised on the television went to the movie theater for the first time.
You cannot hire people born and raised in the middle class to go into these neighborhoods.
Like many people raised in a religious atmosphere, he has never shaken off its influence.