The hall was high and wide, the rooms large, square and barren of ornament save for time-worn patterns etched into the stone.
The pattern etched into the band reminded her of waves and she could have sworn that the prongs holding the stone were actually griffin's claws.
Designing the diffractive pattern for a beam splitter follows the same principle as a diffraction grating, with a repetitive pattern etched on the surface of a substrate.
As they crossed the courtyard together Caeled, looking down, noticed a faint pattern etched in the surface of the lava bed, as if to convey a message.
"Do you recognize the pattern etched into this metal?"
The pattern of the circuitry for each chip is contained in a pattern etched in chrome on the reticle, which is a plate of transparent quartz.
Each player has threeboules, identified by different patterns etched into the steel, and at the end of the round the closest to thecochonnet is the winner.
But on closer examination, they saw a scorched pattern etched into the rock, extending like tentacles outward from the craters.
Light, dark, light, dark alternated so rapidly that no one could see anything except the patterns etched against the sky and the tracers of the afterglow.
Last week, Mr. Wall showed a visitor the odd pattern etched into the glass on all the train's windows.