After about half an hour, a pattern essentially the same as that of the previous evening had established itself.
It is important to denote the proband, so that the relationship to other individuals can be seen and patterns established.
The lasting pattern of this world-market agriculture did not establish itself until the period of the imperialist world economy of 1870-1930.
The pattern established the Corps' close connection to civil works construction.
A varied pattern of taps established that the other prisoner was back in his cell, perhaps after an interrogation.
So they are now moving to stop the program, in a way that threatens a pattern of regulation established more than 20 years ago.
One sure thing is that the patterns established in the two oil shocks of the 1970's will not hold.
Network modeling style: this pattern establishes "many to many" relationship between services, their peer services, and consumers.
Each day, each week, throughout the campaign and through the first year of the Clinton Presidency, the pattern has established itself more and more clearly.
The vagaries of climate are almost guaranteed to bring regional exceptions to this overall hemispheric pattern, but the pattern itself seems well established.