The party told its members to obey the law but to work for a negotiated peace.
In one, both parties might well have been telling the truth as they saw it.
"Presumably because the unidentified party told them to-but we'll leave that one open for the moment."
If this third party then tells anyone else, they can get no more than 5 years in prison.
"All parties told us they would stop fighting so that we could come here and begin a peace process," he said.
If the party told you something was true, then it was.
Now, the party has told him to cease and desist.
And the various interested parties will almost always tell different stories about who applied the brakes.
"But the political parties tell the military 'kill them quick, so we won't have to get our hands dirty.' "
The party either told the truth or a lie to Vi; it makes no difference.