Another participant raised the issue of the 'chill factor' and wanted to know what employers were doing to counter this.
The above exercises are done so participants raise their metabolism and some groups accompany this with deep breathing.
Following the series, the participants of the series raised a theatrical show for children.
More than 125 participants raised about $5,000 last year.
In 2010, participants in the United States alone raised over $7.5 million.
Although not specifically a charity swim, many participants raised money for a range of charities.
In 2010, 6,200 participants raised more than $715,000, bringing the 16-year event total to $5.1 million.
Over 1,500 participants raised $85,000 that first year.
Should participants raise $100 or $1,000, or nothing at all?
Given the current state budget crisis, many participants at yesterday's meeting raised questions about financing.