The parents separated from time to time and the father also served a prison sentence.
His family background - both parents served as important officers - made it hard simply to lock him away.
The parents are wearing leisure suits and serving pigs in a blanket.
The Bloomberg administration would like to see parents serve on this board.
He said that only five or six parents actually served sentences of 5 to 20 days in jail.
Prior to this, the school had taken only students whose parents were veterans or currently serving in the United Kingdom's military forces.
Some students do not improve because parents cut back on meals served at home.
The couple's parents have been friends for more than 15 years and have served together on a number of community boards.
Although they carry the child's name, parents or other adults serve as the custodians, managing the assets and deciding how the money will be spent.
Instead, the daughters were given detentions, but school officials agreed to let the parents serve the time.