Villagers in heavy sheepskin coats milled uneasily as white-cloaked soldiers herded them together near the overloaded carts in front of the inn.
The shadows were long and tempers frayed before they strained and cursed the overloaded cart two hundred yards down the path.
The settlers leaving Isturiacha, many for the first time in their lives, went in greatest dis- arrary, clutching children and precious possessions which had found no place on their overloaded carts.
As she doggedly maneuvered the overloaded cart up the street, I scanned a half-block in front of and behind her, trying to spot any sign of an adult who might be accompanying her.
A vast throng of people and horses and overloaded carts clattered wetly through the narrow streets, past ships parked at dead-end roads.
Ten minutes later, he emerged from the gloom of the storage room, pushing an overloaded cart across the worn floorboards.
Heedless of him, wagoners would load in haste and head east, and fleeing townsfolk would drive overloaded carts west.
The place is a riot of colour, packed with haggling merchants, browsing tourists and barrow boys trying to squeeze through with their improbably overloaded carts.
When suffering reaches the point of making our whole being creak and groan, like an overloaded cart, it ought to cease to be ridiculous . . . but no!
Withered men pull overloaded carts, their labor less costly than the price of a donkey.