Last December, when the governor's legal problems deepened over revelations that state contractors had helped renovate his cottage, gifts of alcohol were still being sought at the mansion.
People become tipsy over revelations and sensations, and there arises among them the illusion of real changes.
By Franklin Foer Republicans have been making hay over revelations about Democratic fund raising.
The worst abuses were chronicled by the Senate's Church committee in the mid-1970's amid revulsion over revelations of foreign assassination plots and spying on domestic dissidents.
The novel's explanation for their separation is Katherine's shock over revelations concerning the death of her husband.
It is gruesome to think that this time will come for Helen also, but fortunately she has told everything and there will be no licking of the lips over revelations.
She made the promise in remorse for his suffering over revelations of their close friendship.
In Britain, however, it was back to the Cold War as the press raked over new revelations of Communist treachery.
Four years ago, Mr. Lambsdorff became the most prominent victim of the scandal over revelations of illicit political contributions by the giant Flick corporation.
Three months ago, the Philippine president Joseph Estrada was forced from office by a wave of public disgust over revelations about his brazen corruption and cronyism.