After several disturbing revelations during their conversation with him they decide to retire only... what did happen in that bedroom?
The focus on corruption comes after revelations of a cocaine ring involving Brooklyn police officers.
In total, 65 people were paid $43 each to ask questions, according to the report, which was commissioned after earlier revelations about planted questions.
Mr. Botnick left after revelations that, among other things, he had lied about having a college degree.
After revelations in 2010 that some detainees had been tortured, Graham appeared before a parliamentary committee investigating the matter.
Such preaching seems tinny coming after revelations about the scope of homosexuality in the priesthood.
After recent revelations, such as the secret enrichment site near Qom, the former is more true.
What follows, though, after shifting revelations and an extended violent climax, is not tragedy but a working out from under.
This recommendation came after revelations of the illegal activities that were carried out by the service's officers.
In 2002, after revelations about intelligence failures, many newspaper and magazine articles said the same thing.