It was of a very ornate pattern, brocaded in delicate figures foreign to Quentin's eye.
Because of his occupation, the exterior and interior carvings were all done by hand in ornate, one-of-a-kind patterns.
The wisewoman was there, carrying a small brass bowl with holes drilled into it in an ornate pattern.
Silversmiths created ornate and fanciful patterns, which often did not match the other flatware in a table setting.
The carpet design reflects the ornate pattern of the roof.
By the time he met Wolverine, his torso was covered in hundreds of them arranged in an ornate pattern.
Behind him, the tapestry was coming apart; all the ornate dazzling patterns of knowledge were disintegrating.
With all the ornate patterns covering the Pai's clothing, every move the man made seemed to strobe gently.
A thick carpet of ornate blue patterns covered nearly the entire wood floor.
Others were huge and decorated in ornate patterns.